…lots of questions about the Triduum!

If you have prayed through these days of the Triduum with a child, there’s a good chance they asked tough questions about the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Adjusting your answers as needed, try to cover the basics: “Why did Jesus have to die?” Jesus came to earth knowing that He would one day die. He died because people needed a Savior. “Did God want Jesus to be killed?” No. God created people to be perfect, but then people did bad things. But because God’s love for us is great, He sent Jesus to redeem our sins. “Did it hurt Jesus when people were mean to Him?” Yes. Jesus had feelings. He felt pain and sadness when He was on the cross. “What is so important about Easter?” Jesus predicted his resurrection. If He did not truly rise from the dead like He expected, the reliability of all His claims must be questioned.

As C. S. Lewis puts it, “Jesus Christ was either a liar, a lunatic, or He was who He says He was.”