The Easter Season is a time for New Sacraments

As we renewed our baptismal promises on Easter, there are many who are scheduled to be baptized in the coming months.  We promise to pray for them and their families.  Let us begin to pray already for the nearly fifty young people preparing to receive Confirmation on Sunday, May 1 at 2:00pm.  Bishop Lucia will be visiting to stir up the Gift of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

Students will receive their First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 1 at 10am and 12noon.  We hope to see those students during the May crowning at the regular weekend Masses that weekend.  This group has been preparing for two years to receive this great gift from the Lord.  We promise to hold them in our prayers during their final days of preparation.

In addition, we have a number of parishioners preparing for Marriage this year.  After navigating a global pandemic, they are ready to begin a life together in Matrimony and are seeking to make this union before God and the Church, so that all the graces of this beautiful sacrament might be poured on their new marriages.

In the extended Diocesan family, we are looking forward to the Ordination of new deacons.  On May 14, James Buttner will be ordained as a transitional deacon, on his way to priesthood next year, God willing.  The following week, Bishop Lucia will ordain permanent deacons for service to the Church in Syracuse.  We promise to pray for them as well.