Looking back over these twenty plus years, there are so many celebrations Fr. Dan has been a part of at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.  How often have we learned from his yellow legal pad with three main points?  St. EAS parishioners actually hope for Guam to come up at trivia night, because we are now so well versed. The students and alumni at Lemoyne have nothing on the lessons we have learned here through weekend homilies. When we heard that Fr. Dan couldn’t drive anymore (and we did hear about it), parishioners generously agreed to drive to Lemoyne to pick up and drop off Fr. Dan.  They continued for years because they valued his tutorials and history sessions, and an occasional tip for skiing into your 90s.  Thank you for the Masses, homilies, Confessions, and for being part of our parish dinners, Confirmations, First Communions, Baptisms and other celebrations.  You have been, and have always shared with us, the very presence of God.  Along with our gratitude, we extend our hope that you will always be surrounded by our loving prayers and know the presence of God as you move to New York.  God Bless you Fr. Mulhauser!!!